Rape Victim Re-Victimized? College Demands List Of Every Sex Partner From Rape Victim

A college in Virginia demanded a list of all the sex partners from a former student, who is also an alleged rape victim, as a requirement for an ongoing lawsuit. The unnamed female student, only identifying herself as Jane Doe, is filing a case against Virginia Wesleyan College (VWC) after an incident in August 2012 involving a student tasked as a peer adviser who gave her drugged alcohol, Daily Caller reported.

Doe stated that after having the drugged drink, she was raped by another student. The student accused of the crime had already been expelled when Doe dropped out of college in 2013. She is now suing the college, for not being able to assist her adequately after she was assaulted and during the run of the case, for $10 million. VWC on the other hand, made the rapist's expulsion lighter so he can easily enter another college by categorizing it as a "voluntary withdrawal."

VWC accused Doe of having "poor judgement" and protecting their students from being raped is not their responsibility, Jezebel reported.

The college wants to communicate with the first sexual partner of Doe after the incident so he could provide "details of the sexual encounter" and assess her credibility regarding the trauma she suffered after the rape.

VWC wants obtain the list of her previous partners to investigate if she really was a virgin when the incident happened, according to the Huffington Post.

Jonathan Halperin, Doe's lawyer, has been refusing the demand for several weeks and will only abide if it is an order from the court.

"This is a drug facilitated rape of a freshman woman on her third day of orientation by a stranger," he said. "To ask the victim in discovery to name every sexual partner and romantic interest she has ever had is irrelevant and outrageous and totally inappropriate. It is intended to harass and intimidate the victim."

Virginia, Sexual abuse, Rape, Drugged