Marijuana News: California Family Says Their 7-Year-Old Epileptic Son Couldn't Function Without Cannabinoid (VIDEO)

A central California family said their 7-year-old Epileptic son wouldn't be able to function doing daily duties without the help of a rare type of medical marijuana.

Jayden David - who suffered from seizures lasting up to two hours long every day of his life until he reached the age of about five - was on 20 different pharmaceutical pills at a time, Fox 40 reported.

"Jayden's life was being tortured by pharmaceutical drugs and from seizures," the young boy's father, Jason, reported. But Jayden experienced a complete turnaround once his parents started giving him Cannabidiol, or CBD, a cannabinoid found in marijuana that is less psychoactive than THC, the main cannabinoid in marijuana. CBD is largely considered to be a cannabinoid that can be used for more medical ailments than THC, including epilepsy, anxiety disorders, Bipolar and schizophrenia.

"Jayden's seizures are down approximately 80 percent," Jason David told Fox. "Jayden is functioning now. The doctors told me Jayden would never walk or talk." Medical professionals insisted that Jayden would go through the rest of his life having difficulty with tasks as simple as pushing buttons and making sounds. But CBD has changed all of that.

"I gave it to my son in a liquid form," Jason continued. "It is non-psychoactive and it was the first day he went seizure free in his life."

CBD is tough to get a hold of - a single dispensary in the family's hometown of Modesto carried it until the business closed its doors. There's also a substantial social stigma Jason has run into ever since he started giving his son Cannabidiol.

"It is a life and death situation for our children," Jason stated. "We are parents, not pot heads. I consider myself a caregiver. I should not have to feel like a criminal."

Jason told Fox that he won't stop fighting for his son's health, and will go to the Modesto city council on Tuesday to make his case.

"I understand people do it for the wrong reasons, but people do pharmaceuticals for the wrong reasons. People do a lot of things for the wrong reason. We are doing it for the right reason," Jason concluded.

Many brands like Green Garden Gold sell CBD online legally as it's extracted from hemp.