'Pokemon GO' Rumor: Niantic Labs Opens Office In Tokyo To Speed Up Game Development, Release

Fans are still awaiting news about "Pokemon GO's" release with bated breath. One particularly promising source, the CoroCoro magazine, is expected to publish related information this month, as HNGN previously reported. But, aside from this and the previously announced 2016 release, the game's developers are still mum about the exact launch date. There are, however, clues that can give gamers an idea how long they still need to wait.

Recently, Niantic Labs - Nintendo's "Pokemon GO" co-creator - was spotted opening an office in Tokyo, a Japanese website revealed. The new location was set up last week in the city's Minato ward. This development should delight fans, as it could indicate an increasing opportunity for developer collaboration. This can, of course, lead to faster development or point to an impending release. Another speculation fueled by Niantic Labs' new Tokyo office involves the claim that the company is also working on other augmented reality-based games and the creation of a new platform that uses AR and mapping tech, Gamasutra reported.

The free-to-play "Pokemon GO" is an AR game that will allow players to "catch" Pokemon monsters in a real-time environment and play with other players using an Android or iOS device. It integrates Niantic Labs' location-based technology first seen in the game "Ingress," which Niantic Labs developed for Google.

Nintendo, Android, Ios