'Batman Arkham Origins' Easter Eggs: Our Top 5 Hidden Winks to The Expanded Batman Universe

Warner Bros. Games recently released the next installment in the "Batman Arkham" series "Batman: Arkham Origins." It's a complete title worthy of the rest of the games and contains a number of original and cool Easter Eggs that fans of the game franchise and the Gotham universe in general, might find pretty interesting and cool. Below is our list of the top 5 in-game Easter Eggs, courtesy of IGN.

A New Dawn: In the S.W.A.T. Interrogation Room of the G.C.P.D. building on one of the tables below a group of x-rays, you can find a newspaper featuring the headline "Harvey Dent Elected Gotham D.A.!" As fans of the franchise know, Harvey Dent is the name of the famous Batman villain Two Face.

Blaze Comics: A Blaze Comics shop can be found located in the game. This is an obvious reference to the comics that both Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent read as children. It is also a reference to Booster Gold.

A Deep Simpsons Christmas Reference: In the final Blackgate encounter, the Joker sings the line "Jingle Bells, Batman Smells," from the song popularized by The Simpsons. Mark Hamill also sings the song as the Joker in his first appearance in Batman the animated series.

The Original Offer: Before encountering the Penguin on the Final Offer, you come across a scale model of the ship in a display case. The accompanying dialogue from the Penguin reveals the Final Offer was originally called the Oliva B. Meredith. This is a reference to Burgess Meredith (real name Oliver Burgess Meredith) who played the Penguin in the 1960s television show.

A Past Game Reference: You can see an apartment that belongs to Dr. Penelope Young. This character will later appear in "Batman: Arkham Asylum" in Lacey Towers before working the Black Mask crime scene.

You can check out a more complete list of all these Easter Eggs HERE, via IGN. The list includes the 5 mentioned above.