Trevor Noah Shows Disturbing Old Video Of Donald Trump Describing Infant Daughter’s Future Breasts [VIDEO]

On the same day that Donald Trump lost the Wisconsin primary, “The Daily Show” host Trevor Noah decided to try and figure out what was the most misogynistic thing the GOP frontrunner ever said.

“Trump’s misogyny easily predates the election,” Noah explained. “In fact, it’s pretty much his only consistent belief."

The segment called “Tales From the Trump Archive: Donald Trump’s History of Misogyny,” came after a recent anti-Trump super PAC gathered all of Trump’s past misogynistic comments into one ad.

“That’s what closed doors are for, Donald Trump. So you don’t say these things in public,” Noah responded. “You’re like a guy masturbating on the subway, looking at everyone else, going, ‘Get over it — you all do this at home.'”

Noah then gave props to the ad, but told his viewers that it missed one very important comment that Trump had made on a 1994 episode of “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.”

“There are so many examples out there of Trump’s gross perspectives on women they’re practically endless,” Noah said. “But there’s one special clip we came across that demonstrates just how completely innate this attitude is, and so, to the archives.”

The clip of Trump showed the presidential candidate in a joint interview with his then wife and current “Dancing with the Stars” contestant Marla Maples and their daughter Tiffany, who just turned 1. The host of the show, Robin Leach, asked Trump what characteristics his child inherited from each parent.

“Well, I think that she’s got a lot of Marla. She’s a really beautiful baby — she’s got Marla’s legs,” Trump said. He then made a gesture that indicated large breasts and added, “We don’t know whether or not she’s got this part yet, but time will tell.”

“He could have said anything!” Noah responded to the clip.

“We know for sure that there’s no female too small for Trump to reduce her to her body parts. We know this,” the host said. “And I don’t think he was even trying to be funny or provocative, it just clearly shows that it is an impulse for him.”

“To him, every woman is just a pair of legs connected to a pair of breasts and there’s a bunch of extra stuff in the middle, but it’s not sexy and no one knows what it’s for really,” Noah continued. “And you know, normally a candidate who views women this way would be doomed. But Trump is not a normal candidate and we know that. We know airing this clip will change nothing. All we ask is one thing: The next time you’re about to hand Donald Trump your baby, maybe reconsider.”

Check out the entire clip below:

The Daily Show, Donald Trump