MacBook Pro 2016 Rumors, News and Release Date: Will new laptop be equipped with Touch ID fingerprint sensor?

Apple in the United States have been pulling out the non-retina MacBook Pro from their retail store, Apple Insider reporterd Monday.

Large number of stock of the old laptop are still in stores, although it is not shown and cannot be tried by customers. The MacBook Pro was last updated in 2012.

In the meantimes, The new MacBook Pro was aniticipated to be revelaed during Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in June 17. However, no new laptop was shown during the event, pushing the next expected date to September along with latest iPhones and the iOS 10.

According to rumors the new laptops will be equipped with Touch ID fingerprint sensor. With this feature installed, users will can unlock their new MacBooks without the using password. Additionally, improved graphics-handling capability will be provided by the 400-series AMD chips.

"However, there was one rumour that we didn't quite want to believe from trusted analyst Ming-Chi Kuo that suggested new MacBooks will be coming out in the fourth quarter of 2016, which runs from July to September for Apple,"Mac World said.

Apple remains quiet about the laptops' release date but customers remain hopeful that it will be available this year.

MacBook Pro