Viral video of UFO sighting in Charlotte a hoax?

A Charlotte native posted a strange video on YouTube about what he believes to be a UFO sighting in his hometown Charlotte. The video, which is now growing viral, was taken just outside the Le Meridien hotel in downtown Charlotte. The video, as of right now, has gain roughly 420,000 views since being uploaded on September.

UFO spotted on Charlotte by a local driver

In the video, one can clearly see a large number of flashing lights. Chris Hulbert, the man who posted the video, states that he's a professional driver and was just randomly waiting outside the hotel's parking lot when all of a sudden he spotted the bright lights, which immediately forced him to grab his cellphone.

In the video, he described them as moving very rapidly in a weird manner, as well as resembling the likes of strobe lights. "It seems to be making a triangular pattern, like an actual geometric form, when before it was just randomly moving around," Hulbert explained.

The UFO video in Charlotte was a Hoax

"We are intrigued by them since we, somehow, cannot explain them," States Peter Davenport, director of the National UFO Reporting Center, who has been tracking UFOs for more than 22 years already. He explains that just within the last 53 months, sightings in the Carolina skies have been growing.

He further explains that "In just that small amount of time, we've already received 30- to 40,000 reports of sightings which are similar to what you saw the video." This would also confirm that Davenport is not convinced that the lights in the viral video were actually aliens.

People are still wondering what that bright light was

In an email to NBC Charlotte, the Federal Aviation Administration says there were "zero reports of UFOs, blinking lights, or any other strange phenomenon during October 15 or 16." So what were they? Davenport says even he can't say what they are. But he surely knows that they weren't aliens at all. As of now, is that aliens are out there and are just waiting to be discovered.

Alien, UFO, Viral