Modern-day Nostradamus predicts Donald Trump's impeachment

There is a man who calls each election right since 1984. Now he has called the US presidential election as well, saying Trump would win.

CNN reported that Allan Lichtman, a political historian who teaches at the American University of Washington, said he used his own system of 13 true of false statements to judge whether the incumbent party will retain The White House. Now he is saying that Donald Trump will be impeached.

The Cosmopolitan reported that the professor went on to explain his belief that Trump is careless about the law, and will reportedly do something unpredictable that could land him in trouble when he is in the oval office. Lichtman said that even though the Republicans hold the majority in both the House and the Senate, Trump might reportedly be impeached because of discontent within the Republican party.

Lichtman clearly told CNN'S Erin Burnett that Trump may well face impeachment and that his gut says so.

Lichtman told CNN that the Republicans are nervous about Trump. The fact that nobody can read what Trump really believes in or what he stands for can cause an uncomfortable situation for many Republicans, the professor reportedly said.

The professor added that the Trump's party would totally prefer Mike Pence, who they can easily control and who is an absolutely "predictable" down the pipe conservative Republican, in the professor's words.

The professor told CNN that Trump's impeachment is likely because of down to earth reasons like Trump's reported illegal charity in New York, through which he is reported to have made an illegal campaign contribution. The professor also added that Trump faces a RICO lawsuit, and he used the charity for his business debts. He has run an illegal charity in New York state, CNN reported.

Donald Trump