Facebook Bans Photo of Woman who Lost 120lbs

Facebook took down a before-and-after picture of a woman who lost 120 lbs on the grounds that she was trying to sell something.

However, according to Marilyn McKenna, the owner of the picture, she is not trying to sell anything and she posted the picture to provide inspiration for those who are also trying to make a lifestyle change. The picture in questions shows McKenna standing inside one leg of her old pants.

McKenna weighed 265 pounds before she decided to lose weight in 2007. Now, weighing only 145 pounds, she focused her effort in keeping a blog about her experience in losing weight and tips for those who are on the same boat.

However, after she posted her picture of her in her "fat pants", Facebook took the photo down citing that the photo idealizes a body image. McKenna told KATU.com that Facebook sent her an email saying, "This kind of image isn't allowed." "I think they said it promotes an idealized body image, and they're trying to discourage that type of thing", she said.

Since her rift with Facebook, McKenna used Twitter to voice out her opinion on the matter. She tweeted the picture saying, "FB refused me this profile pic bcuz it "promotes idealized body image," deems it harmful. I call bull****'."

On the other hand, Facebook reasoned that they banned the photo because McKenna was trying to sell something. According to the site's spokesperson, "Facebook's terms require advertisers of weight loss and other adult products to limit the audience of their ads to people aged 18 and over".

Apparently, McKenna used the Facebook Promote feature for her photo and Facebook considered the photo as an advertisement.

McKenna maintains her stand that she's not selling anything. "Hey, Facebook! What "products" am I promoting?! You dunderheads! My website, my blogs, my videos... It's all free!! Im not selling anything!", says one of her tweets.

McKenna, who is the wife of former Washington State Attorney General Rob McKenna, tweeted on Sunday that she's meeting with Facebook officials this week to resolve the issue.