Agricultural Production Improves Health Of Honey Bees: Urban Activities Relate To Colony Development [Report]

Latest reports were telling that agricultural plays an important role in the development of the health of honey bees. It was found out that the overall health of honey bees is greatly influenced by the production in agriculture.

Before, people claimed that agricultural pesticides can offer an adverse effect on the health of honey bees. But the latest study would confirm that actually, the agricultural pesticide used in growing crops can be very helpful of the bee hives and for the general health of the honey bees.

According to Phys.Org, a study titled, "Agricultural Landscape and Pesticide Effects on Honey Bee Biological Traits" proved the efficiency of agricultural pesticides to the health of the honey bees. The said research sought the impacts of row-crop agriculture and the use of pesticides in the health of honey bees. Then the study resulted in the positive correlation of the hive health to the presence of agriculture.

But the researchers admitted that there were also instances in the past wherein the pesticides also contributed to the death of some bees. However, they contended that when it comes to the advantages of these agricultural pesticides, still the better production of nectar in agricultural areas are evident than that of the risks.

Throughout the conduct of the study, the colonies were monitored for productivity which included brood production, weight, and colony thermoregulation. It was reported that the colony thermoregulation has something to do with the preservation of a normal temperature so that the adult bees can still live and thrive.

Moreover, it was also found out in the study that those bees that grow in places with high agricultural vegetation can grow faster and larger than those which thrive in low agricultural vegetation. Furthermore, Science News Line reported that those bees living in non-agricultural places are often challenged to find food contrary to those that live in agricultural places.

With those findings, the researchers were quick to conclude that one factor that contributed to this is the number of urban activities which in return van boost the diversity of pollen. The research supported that the higher number of urban diversity can affect colony development which can help increase number of bees.