If China develops a coronavirus vaccine before the U.S. does, national security fears that it will use it for econonomic leverage. Both the U.S. and China are rushing to create a vaccine that will benefit the world or one that will create something far worse.
The mainland government will treat the whole world like another China and leverage the vaccine as a bargaining chip to any country opposed to them.
Most countries are coordinating to make a vaccine for COVID-19 that has infected 3.3 million all over the globe, but China and the US are developing it themselves. NPR reports that China has been trying and hacking the US coronavirus database, raising accusations that China is purloining data that is not theirs.
One national security official added that China is hell-bent on creating a cure that they could use to rule the world. This once again stressed that China is not to be trusted one bit.
A report was published last Sunday about a vaccine war, many national security officials, public health experts are wary of what China will do with a vaccine.
One of the key elements to the strategy of the Chinese Communist Party's propaganda efforts is to leverage on western nations about what they demand if they acquire it first. Which would put countries like the U.S. and UK, with other states in a bad place.
Matt Kroenig, former Pentagon and CIA official said,"Often, Chinese offers of aid come with strings attached." China cannot be trusted according to Kroenig.
He added that China is fearful of U.S. influence and that they will use anything to disadvantage America.
Recent changes from the Five Eyes Alliance reveal that China hid and knowingly propagated the spread of the virus which has branded the mainland Communists as power mongers, but China wants to rewrite lying about the virus and doing nasty things to those opposed to them.
In one admonition, one national security official said that China's head start in vaccine research is a danger to everyone opposed to them.
The official alleged that China has been thieving and stopping at nothing to steal any research, and claim it as their own. Whatever they have is not 100% Chinese, they want to be seen as 'very benevolent [with the vaccine] so as not to be seen as a pariah.'
According to Politico, Chinese intelligence and national assets are hacking into "hard-earned research" by the U.S. to claim and use the purloined information as their own. China is now desperate after they foisted the virus, and maybe paying for it as well.
China wants to displace opposition to it, with diplomatic leverage and the vaccines will give it an economic advantage by vaccinating its workforce, to resume economic activity.
Dr. Ross Mckinney Jr, chief scientific officer at the Association of American Medical Colleges, revealed to Politico that the vaccine is the key for China to dominate the world economy.
Kroenig even scoffed at the ideas of nations trusting China to deliver a working and not faulty vaccine, after sending tonnes of sub-par and less than acceptable PPE's to Europe.
The US has 30 formal treaty allies with leading scientific research communities, while China is limited.