Newborn Baby in China Abandoned in Trash Bin, Umbilical Cord Still Attached

According to Chinese media, a newborn baby in China was abandoned inside an overflowing trash bin with the umbilical cord still attached. The naked newborn was found wrapped in a plastic bag when a delivery worker heard the infant crying while parking his motorbike nearby.

Abandoned baby

The incident happened in the northern Chinese region of Ningxia, the baby is said to have been in stable condition after being taken to a nearby local hospital for examination. According to reports, a police investigation is ongoing.

The food delivery worker, Hai Yafeng, brought the incident to light. He was on his way home after his lunch break on August 12. He told Pear Video that he heard some noise coming out of the trash bin and was surprised to see a baby crying.

Hai filmed the whole thing and the footage showed how filthy the trash bin was as it was overflowing with bags of rubbish. A faint cry of a baby was heard in the background.

After he dug through the bin, Hai spotted the newborn baby wrapped in a black plastic bag and he immediately called the police. The delivery worker said that the infant looked like it was born an hour or two before the infant was dumped. The umbilical cord was still attached.

Reports say that the abandoned infant has been in stable condition after being taken to a local hospital while the authorities are still tracking down the parents of the baby amid an ongoing investigation.

Meanwhile, MailOnline tried to contact the authorities from Ningxia. This is after another newborn girl was abandoned by her parents in southern China because they wanted to have a son instead.

The newborn baby girl was abandoned by her father next to a filthy trash bin just hours after she was born because the family already had two daughters and they were hoping for a son. The baby was brought to a local welfare center by the police after a street cleaner spotted the baby and called the authorities.

Similar incident

Just last month, a 21-year-old woman from North Carolina was arrested by authorities after a newborn baby was found crying inside a trash bin in a church parking lot.

The suspect, Maryuri Estefany Calix-Macedo, was charged with first-degree attempted murder, according to WTVD. The police believe she tried to kill her infant son.

The newborn baby boy is alive and well because a woman who was walking her dog heard the baby's cries. The infant was immediately rushed to the hospital.

According to the warrants from the police, the mother admitted that she gave birth to her baby boy in the toilet at home in her bathroom. She told the authorities that she left the baby in the toilet for seven hours on July 16.

After giving birth, she left the bathroom and she went to feed her daughter who was one-and-a-half years old. She then went back into the bathroom, with her baby still in the toilet, and she took a shower, according to WECT6.

Macedo told the officers that she knew that her son was still alive because she could hear him crying in the toilet. The baby was then placed in a black plastic trash bag that was tied shut. She placed the plastic bag in the trunk of her car while she drove to Walmart to buy milk.

After she went to Walmart, she drove to Christ Community Church, she placed the sealed bag with the newborn baby still inside the blue trash bin and she returned home.

China, North Carolina, Child Abuse, Murder, Attempted murder, Crime, Child neglect