
Jihadi 'Beatles' Locked in Prison Cell Worse Than Death

Two years into custody at Colorado's disturbing Supermax Prison, Jihadi Beatles Abu Hamza was distraughtly pounding on his prison cell door to get out. His lawyears are decrying its "inhuman and degrading conditions." Pixabay/Free-Photos

Two years into custody at Colorado's abhorrent Supermax Prison, Jihadi Beatles Abu Hamza was distraughtly pounding on his prison cell door to get out. His attorneys are denouncing its "inhuman and degrading conditions."

Hell on Earth

It is assumed that his British Islamist extremism successor, ISIS fanatic Alexanda Kotey had Hamza's dreary fate in mind when he recently stated that the worst circumstances would transpire would be to be taken into custody in a US prison.

Meanwhile, two British jihadis who are accused of forming part of ISIS' "Beatles" murder cell find it unfavorable to be imprisoned in a high-security United States prison.

El-Shafee el-Sheikh, 32, and Alexanda Kotey, 36, are known as George and Ringo due to their British accents, are reportedly being held by US special forces in Iraq following their capture two years ago by the Syrian Democratic Forces.

It is probable that two ISIS fighters, associated with the murder of numerous Americans, will be brought to trial in a Virginia courtroom. The progress arrives as Attorney General William Barr sent a letter to the UK home secretary asserting that the United States will not seek or implement the death penalty in their case.

"The Beatles''

The notorious execution team is labeled as "The Beatles."

According to US officials, they would like to try Britons El Shafee Elsheikh and Alexanda Kotey for their role in the Jihadi John-led cell alleged for beheading journalists, aid workers, and other Syrian hostages, reported New York Post.

The commitment not to pursue capital punishment for the Jihadi Beatles members and simply detaining them in a prison in the United States reverses two years of US policy.

Barr wrote, "We would hope and expect that, in light of this assurance, the evidence can and will now be provided promptly," reported Defense One.

The aforementioned two members of ISIS' notorious "Beatles" fear a fate worse than death in a US supermax prison cells dubbed as "Hell on Earth."

Elsheikh and Kotey, with alternative names "George" and "Ringo," will eventually be extradited to America. Prosecutors affirm that they will not be put to death.

The prison is labeled hell on earth as its inmates are locked up alone inside window-less cells in a span of 23 hours daily, with minds filled with boredom.

The fear-inducing supermax prison in Florence, Colorado, or the Alcatraz of the Rockies, is where the two British jihadis accused to be part of Beatles ISIS could be imprisoned.

ADX Florence

ADX Florence has a reputation of being one of America's toughest prisons as inmates as the aforementioned locking alone is within 12ft by 7ft cells.

Along with mattresses on top, beds are concrete slabs. The brick buildings are surrounded by razor wire, attack dogs, guards patrol, and marksmen stand watch.

Kotey and Elsheikh face extradition to the US. Considering that Hamza's offenses pale in comparison to ''Ringo'' and ''George,'' the pair will almost certainly join him at Supermax.

On being convicted to America, according to Jihadi Beatles member Kotey, ''I would not want to spend time in a prison in the US. That would not be good. That would be the worst thing that could happen," reported Daily Mail.

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