In a recent revelation about the upcoming book about US President Donald Trump, it has been reported that the President claimed that North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un told the president about the execution of his uncle and has displayed his headless body to North Korean authorities.
The dictator's uncle by marriage, Jang Song Thaek, was also a powerful person in the regime. However, in 2013, Jang was executed due to charges of corruption and treason. His execution was one that showed a great assertion of authority in the Kim regime.
Based on excerpts from Trump's soon to be released book, "Rage," the president told Bob Woodward, an investigative journalist from the Washington Post who is to pen the book that the North Korean leader tells him everything.
According to ABC News, Trump told Woodward that Kim had his uncle killed and the body with the severed head was placed in the steps of a building that was used by senior officials in Pyongyang. It was also stated that the head was placed right on top of the chest of the dead body.
Details about the execution of Jang has not been officially released by the North. But several reports in the past have claimed that an anti-aircraft gun was utilized in enacting his sentence.
While Trump's statement was only meant to demonstrate his apparent closeness with the North Korean leader, the revelation was the first mention of decapitation as a form of execution from a senior Pyongyang official.
Nuclear Negotiations
Meanwhile, despite the claimed close relationship between the leaders of the two nations, nuclear negotiations between the Hermit Kingdom and the US remain stagnant until now. This is since an agreement was not reached during last year's Hanoi summit which discussed sanction relief from the US and the things that the North is willing to give up in exchange.
According to Japan Times, officials from Pyongyang have announced that they have offered the US the dismantling of its Yongbyon area nuclear production facilities, however, analysts have stated that the rogue nation has other nuclear sites that need to be dismantled.
Based on "Rage," Trump had demanded the North to give up at least five of its site in order to reach a deal. Trump also stated that Kim told him that Yongbyon was the biggest site and it was already a lot to give up, but the US president countered his statement that while it is the biggest, it was also the oldest.
Due to this, Trump told the dictator that the North is not yet ready to make a deal and left Kim who was still in shock.
Since then, the negotiations between the two nations have hit a roadblock and were not able to push through. Due to this, the ties between the two countries have also plummeted, yet, Trump has repeatedly insisted that he is still in good terms with the dictator.
"Rage," the book about Trump's life is set to be released next week. The book is said to contain at least 25 letters that were exchanged by the two leaders.
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