Fact Check: Did Biden Study at Delaware State University As Claimed?

From day one, the Democrats seemed to get many things wrong from numbers to even getting caught on off days. Joe Biden got the energy to hit the sorties. This time, Biden he just stonewalled in a sort of way when he claimed he went to the Delaware State University as a student.

The school answered back and corrected him saying he never went there as a student. He tried to emphatically connect himself with black college. Throughout the Dems campaign, they have emphasized connections with the black community, reported New York Post.

This claim by the aged Democrat was made when he was raining praise on historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) in a town hall event. It was held last year in October ahead of the South Carolina Democratic primary, video shows.

He related to students at the Wilson High School in Florence that had its beginnings in 1886 by the Freedmen's Bureau for black children seeking an education. He allegedly said that he started at a mostly black schools or HBCU as democrats like to put it.

He then mentions that anything negative about Delaware State University will not be welcome. Adding they are his folks.

Biden has a way of making claims, in this case very unsubstantiated and it came to bite him back. According to university officials, he only went to the school as a commencement speaker, not a student as claimed.

According to the college's director of news service, Carlos Holmes, told the Washington Times that the Dems presidentiable misinformed students of his so-call stay in DSU.

Sources state that in 2003 and 2016, he was invited as the commencement speaker, mentioning that it was a far cry of his political career. He used to be the Delaware senator from 1973 too.

Holmes made it clear that he never set foot as a student, though he was given an honorary doctoral degree from DSU. It was founded in 1891 and called the State College for Colored Students, just about 40 miles from the University of Delaware, which is different from Delaware State University. Biden graduated from the University of Delaware in 1965 as a political science and history major.

After going to the University of Delaware, he entered the Syracuse University College of Law where he committed the act of plagiarism. He failed a class for that misjudgment.

A look back into his political career, there are rife charges of misleading voters with his many statements. His inaccuracies are about aspects of his education as an important part of his package as a presidential candidate.

Biden has not been the most accurate of speakers because he makes mistakes with numbers. Most interesting in the Harris-Biden gaff that made waves recently. Even repeating it himself calling it the Harris-Biden administration, cited Times Free Press.

One of Trump's comments is that Biden is still in the basement with his cognitive incoherence. Saying that he might take drugs to sharpen his mind in a debate as well.

Biden's troop did not answer on the claims that include being a student at Delaware State University.

Joe Biden