Director Mark Webb revealed some "Spider-Man 2" news on Twitter, and the superhero flick is getting another villain. Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man already has to battle three villains in the upcoming movie: Electro (Jamie Foxx), Green Goblin and Rhino.

On Monday, Feb. 3 Webb used Twitter to help promote a new book published by actor B.J. Novak. It's already been revealed that Novak had landed a role in the sequel but until now it wasn't revealed what that role was, MTV reports.

In Webb's tweet he revealed that Novak will play super villain, "A. Smythe," which refers to the character Alistair Smythe. In the comics, Alistair's father, Spencer Smythe, creates robots called Spider-Slayers. They're main purpose is to hunt down Spider-Man throughout New York City.

After a botched attempt with the Spider-Slayers, Spencer dies leaving Alistair to take over. Eventually, he becomes the Ultimate Spider-Slayer. It's not clear what kind of impact Novak's role will have on the movie but the actor has said in the past that his character doesn't have a "pivotal" role in the film. points out that Webb could be introducing the character in "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" with the intention of giving Novak's Spider-Slayer a nigger role in future movies.

In other news, a trailer was recently released which focuses on Electro. The nearly 4-minute clip shows how Max Dillon, the geeky Oscorp employee, becomes obsessed with Spider-Man after the superhero saves his life and desperately wants to be like him.

After an electric accident, Dillon gets his wish and comes face to face with Spider-Man again. Because the superhero doesn't remember his name, Electro gets offended and uses his new powers to destroy Spider-Man.

The film stars Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Fox, Dane DeHaan, Colm Feore, Paul Giamatti, Sally Field, Chris Cooper and Sarah Gadon.

"The Amazing Spider-Man 2" hits theaters May 2. Check out the trailer below.