Apple Products Top List of Most Breakable Devices, Researchers Find iPad Mini and Galaxy S4 Don't Stand Against Water and Impact Damage

Four Apple products topped the list of most breakable devices, after researchers conducted an experiment testing various gadgets' durability against extreme situations.

Warranty service provider SquareTrade tested some popular devices' endurance by dropping iPdas, iPhones and Galaxy tablets into water and onto concrete.

For the study, researchers considered construction and design of the gadgets, along with its water resistance, "grip-ability" and heft, according to the Telegraph. They then dropped iPad Minis, Airs, 5c and 5s, Samsung Galaxy S4 and S3s from specific heights onto the concrete ground. Each gadget got a "breakability score" gauging its fragility.

Apple's iPad Mini came in at number one, with a breakability score of 7.5. Samsung's Galaxy S4 came close in second, with a score of 7, followed by iPad Air, 6.5, Samsung's S3, 6.5 and iPhone 5C, with a six.

"We are all investing in more and more technology, so when we do, we want to make sure that we are going to get our money's worth," managing director of SquareTrade Europe Kevin Gillan told the Telegraph. "By putting devices through tests that replicate real life situations, we want to help people make smart choices when it comes to choosing gadgets and ensure they are covered against accidental damage."

The Nexus 7.1 was ranked number 6, with a score of six, while the Samsung Galaxy Tab came up next with a 5.5, followed by the iPhone 5s, with the same score. The Nexus 7.2 and Moto X rounded out the list, with scores of 5 and 4.5, respectively.