
5 Sudanese Senior Government Officials Detained in Possible Coup Plot Amid Rising Tensions Between Civilian, Military Leaders

Sudanese protesters take to the streets in the capital Khartoum durning a demonstration demanding the dissolution of the transitional government, on October 20, 2021. - Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok has called recent unrest the "worst and most dangerous crisis" of the country's precarious two-year transition since the fall of hardline ruler Omar al-Bashir. Photo by ASHRAF SHAZLY/AFP via Getty Images

Five Sudanese government figures were reportedly detained amid rising tensions between civilian and military leaders in the country.

According to reports, phone and internet signals were also disrupted across the country as part of a possible coup plot.

The identities of the government officials that were detained were revealed to the press on Monday.

Industry Minister Ibrahim al-Sheikh, Information Minister Hamza Baloul, Mohammed al-Fiky Suliman, a member of the Sovereign Council, Faisal Mohammed Saleh, a media adviser to Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok were all detained.

Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok transported to secret location

Initial reports revealed that security forces were also seen outside the prime minister's home. But after he refused to issue a statement of support in the ongoing coup, soldiers moved Hamdok to a secret location.

The arrests came in the heels of Jeffrey Feltman's meeting with the Sudanese military and civilian leaders last weekend to try and resolve the dispute. Feltman serves as the US special envoy for the Horn of Africa.

Throughout the past couple of weeks, Sudan's military and civilian leaders have been butting heads.

A coup attempt failed in Sudan in September

Last month, a failed coup attempt resulted in a greater division between those that want a military government against those who toppled Al-Bashir over two years ago, according to the Huffington Post.

Following Monday's arrests, NetBlocks confirmed that there was significant disruption on mobile internet connections across Sudan.

Hiba Morgan, a journalist who was reporting from Khartoum, also experienced the disruption.

"The military has also blocked all roads and bridges leading into Khartoum city. We've seen soldiers blocking access and they are telling us these are the orders they got. They are saying access to Khartoum city is to be restricted, and this is raising concern because that's where the government institutions are, that's where the presidential palace and the prime minister's offices are located," he told Al Jazeera.

As of late, an official statement following the arrests has not been made. But there are reports that Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, the head of Sudan's sovereign council, will say something about the incident on Monday.

Protests have been taking place in Sudan for weeks

According to CNN, several protests have taken place in Khartoum in recent weeks.

Earlier this month, thousands of demonstrators gathered in front of the prime minister's home to ask the military to seize power.

Days later, another group of protesters flocked to the streets in support of the civilian rule.

On Monday, another group of demonstrators was spotted on the streets of Khartoum, setting up roadblocks and bonfires ahead of the protests.

Feltman confirmed that the United States was deeply alarmed at reports of a military takeover of the transitional government in the country. He added that changes to any transitional government done by force put them at risk for US assistance.

Feltman also said that the reported military takeover is unacceptable because it would contradict the Constitutional Declaration and democratic aspirations of those living in Sudan.

Sudan, Arrests
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