Mountain Dew Yanks Tyler The Creator’s Ad (VIDEO)

Mountain Dew and rapper Tyler the Creator are under fire for a television ad many people accused of being racist. The rapper, whose lyrics have been called offensive before, is the voice of a talking goat in the ad for Mountain Dew.

The ad features five African-American guys, who are all members of Odd Future, as suspects in a line-up. A battered and bruised woman enters the room to identify the suspect. Behind the mirrored window the talking goat threatens the woman saying "Keep your mouth shut. I'm gonna get outta here and I'm gonna dew you up." The woman begins crying hysterically and runs out of the room while a police officer stands nearby sipping a Mountain Dew.

PepsiCo issued a statement to Adweek saying"We understand how this video could be perceived by some as offensive, and we apologize to those who were offended. We have removed the video from all Mountain Dew channels and have been informed that Tyler is removing it from his channels as well."

The ad is only one of many "trash-talking" tv spots from Tyler the Creator.

Social commentator Dr. Boyce Watkins said he thinks the ads are "arguably the most racist commercial in history."

A second ad by Mountain Dew and the rapper features Felicia the goal acting violently towards a waitress as the goat tries to get a Mountain Dew.

Tyler the Creator has not said anything about the commercial but a video was posted to his Twitter account on April 24 with the caption "Felicia in jail for attacking that waitress."

Goats have been featured a lot in this year's advertising TV spots.