Joe Biden According to Recent Polls Might be the Least Performing US President in Modern Times
(Photo : ERIC BARADAT/AFP via Getty Images)
US President Joe Biden trips while boarding Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland on March 19, 2021. - President Biden travels to Atlanta, Georgia, to tour the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and to meet with Georgia Asian American leaders, following the Atlanta Spa shootings.

American voters in a poll called Joe Biden as the US president who has not fulfilled the expectations of a leader who represents the free world. The worst has been a label that conservatives have given him due to what his first year has turned out to be.

Democrats are scrambling to minimize what would be a massacre in the midterms, but the poll numbers show the pulse of the Americans.

Biden is the least performing president

The 46th US president was dubbed the least successful president in governance by 54 percent of probable voters in a recent survey, reported the Express UK.

Results were taken from a survey by the Rasmussen Reports and the National Pulse, which found the POTUS getting poor results that were very low. Historically this will translate to the least liked president who has taken office, noted USA Today.

Biden's predecessors, Donald Trump and Barrack Obama, were judged far better, and with good poll results, for Biden, he'll be last ranked if a list of US presidents would be lined up.

Respondents were gathered via telephone calls and an online survey, and the question was whether the 79-year old president Biden would be the least effective leader who occupied the Oval Office, cited the Times-News Express.

A small number of 15 percent answered that he is considered among the best American presidents based on the results.

Of those who answered the poll, about 25 percent say his administration was average. At this point of the year, many events have shaped the concerns of even the most ardent Democrat supporters how Joe Biden performed.

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Interestingly a result of 41 percent that Donald Trump had a significant impact that was felt, being one of the best presidents to sit in the Oval Office. But there is a segment that is 43 percent and anti-Trump, saying he's the worst despite his achievements.

As for Obama, who had 34 percent saying he's one of the best, with 33 percent thinking he's one of the worst. It was an even number that was for and against him, which was just as close as a result for Trump.

One more finding from the poll revealed that Mr. Obama impacted voters under 40 who thought of him as a competent president. This survey was done on Sunday and Monday that included an adjustment for mistakes for all the results.

Biden's poll results

Around 74 percent of Republicans and 62 percent who have no party responded that Biden would be the lowest-ranked US leader.

Although 27 percent would say that the current president is the best, it would be seen in the survey. Democrats gave 28 percent, which is not the best, but the opposite, about 39 percent called him average.

It is no surprise that many Democrats are 68 percent saying Trump did badly and are convinced the ex-TV host cannot be seen as the best US leader.

But the Republicans will swear with 68 percent that their former president would outclass Mr. Biden any day.

These polls show that Joe Biden could be the most ineffective president to sit in the White House, even his party has issues if the president can deliver in the midterms.

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