
Hungary Defies Brussels By Choosing Neutrality Despite the Move of Other EU Members Following NATO’s Lead

Hungary Defies Brussels By Choosing Neutrality Despite the Move of Other EU Members Following NATO’s Lead
Hungary's Prime minister Viktor Orban attends a joint press conference with Slovenia's counterpart Janez Jansa after a meeting in Lendava, a city with a large Hungarian ethnic minority, on February 21, 2022. JURE MAKOVEC/AFP via Getty Images

Brussels does not get Hungary's support and is prohibited from passing the nation's territory if arms are onboard since the bloc member chooses neutrality.

The Hungarians chose to stay out of the conflict with Russia, which gave the European Union a serious setback. Its government is unwilling to risk reprisals, unlike other bloc members that are openly against Russia.

Hungary Choses Neutrality

Hungary refused to call to send troops or arms to Kyiv, which has given the EU a blackeye in trying to involve it in the ongoing conflict, the Express UK reported.

On a Kosovo visit last Monday, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said there would be no troop deployment or arms to Ukraine. All lethal weapons cannot pass in the country's territory for security.

Szijjarto made the statement after meeting with Kosovo Foreign Minister Donika Gervalla that the decision is to prevent becoming a military target of any hostile force, and keeping everyone safe is the priority. No way will the government allow any involvement.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban posted a video of his decision on social media. He states that these are busy days, and he just met with the National Security Cabinet in the morning and had a brief about the latest reports of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

It was clear that the Hungarian people should be less involved in the conflict. Any troops and arms will not send.Adding it is the government's right to decide if any arms could pass over the Hungarian-Ukrainian border. Brussels, the US cannot force Hungary to drop neutrality.

Of concern are the Hungarians living in Transcarpathia, leading to the decision that any sort of shipment is dangerous to the well-being of everyone concerned. Their security is more important than anything else. But he clarified that help to fleeing refugees would be given without any questions.

PM Orban added that relief supplies were given to Ukrainians for several days. Everyone leaving the conflict zone will be assisted in Hungary, per Financial Times.

EU Decides To Fund War

According to sources, the European Union had broken a vow not to participate in a conflict. By brokering a conflict to provide arms to a third party to help it fight aggression, the Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell remarked.

Last Monday, European defense ministers had via video conference to discuss the coordination of arms shipments to Ukraine that will come in the weekend.

Brussels will set up a special fund in March 2021, the European Peace Facility (EPF) will bankroll arms for those willing to use the arms. The entire facility is 5 billion euros which are taken from the share of EU members based on their GDP until 2027. But, it's not an official EU expense.

This EPF replaced the Athena mechanism and African Peace Facility that was returned to the scope of coverage. With the EPF that can help globally, cited New York Times Post.

The facility permits military equipment, and training could be contentious at times. Under the category of non-lethal are anything that is either personal equipment, both medical and non-medical supplies; lethal covers all arms and ammunition.

Whatever Brussels feels about Hungary choosing neutrality, it is an alarming development that might happen to some members if they choose. It will make the US and NATO less credulous if more members beg off.

Eu, Hungary
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