Moscow Denies the Geneve Convention Covers the UK Foreign Fighters Sentenced to Death
(Photo : YURI KADOBNOV/AFP via Getty Images)
Moscow says the Geneva convention does not cover the UK foreign fighters for the death sentence, which is a smear on the nations of the mercenaries.Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova speaks to the media in Moscow on March 29, 2018.

Moscow says the UK foreign fighters caught by DPR are not covered in the articles of the Geneve Convention. These UK nationals volunteered to fight as mercenaries, and the death sentence is legal.

Britain aired its objection to the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) sentence. Still, the Kremlin rebuked the reaction of London that the captured Britons violated laws and could not be prisoners of war.

London Shamed by Capture of British Mercenaries

Release of a statement from the Russian foreign ministry shut down London's protest that Aiden Aslin and Shaun Pinner, who were willing fought for Kyiv, should be treated as prisoners of war is not covered by the Geneva convention, reported RT.

Another Moroccan national, Saadun Ibrahim, got the death sentence as part of the captured trio. These mercenaries were tried by a DPR supreme court and sentenced as guilty of several crimes as pro-Ukraine soldiers.

British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss called the sentences a sham and not legitimate; the UK has been actively against Putin, citing the Press United.

The Russian foreign ministry's reaction is that the UK was illogical and hysterical, considering their citizens knowingly trained their weapons on Russian soldiers. The Kremlin calls the DPR judgment correct.

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stated what the Kremlin thought of the situation.

These individuals are mercenaries, not prisoners of war, who were intentionally sent by western nations to assist the Kyiv regime, not combatants, noted Post of Asia.

Moscow stressed that London did not go through proper diplomatic channels to discuss their concerns about what happened to the UK foreign fighters' Pinner and Aslin', especially after the death sentence.

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Ms. Zakharova remarked that London did not talk to the DPR government about the involvement of the two UK mercenaries with Ukraine. She added that London is resorting to loud statements to address the DPR, not solve them.

West Ignored the Donetsk People's Republic

The DPR formed as a rebel force and was established in Ukraine's Donetsk region that did not support the 2014 armed coup in Kyiv. This region fought against the Kyiv regime that sent its forces to control Donetsk, with other rebels in the Lugansk region, they have been fighting a bloody conflict against pro-Kyiv forces that controlled parts of the DPR and LPR later.

Vladimir Putin gave recognition to the breakaway republics as independent states due to the resistance of Kyiv to allowing the two regions to have full autonomy.

The Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky says that his government ignored and denied a peace process to end the bloodshed.

At this time, the Kremlin got information about a major offensive allowed by Zelensky to attack Donetsk and Lugansk by force, followed by the February 24 rollout that took Kyiv and the US neocons by surprise.

Although the DPR said, an appeal of the death sentence could be done before the death sentence is in force by next month. An appeal for clemency can be done, said their lawyers.

Moscow maintains the UK foreign fighters are not covered by the Geneva convention due to their actions, despite the UK trying to bluster the DPR tribunal, which gave the death sentence via their guilt.

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