Rear Admiral Ma Weiming has proposed a new type of warship powered by nuclear energy, capable of firing kinetic energy projectiles at hypersonic speeds.

The variety of responsibilities that aircraft carrier groups, which are naval combat platforms, must currently complete has made things more difficult. They find it more difficult to coordinate their actions as a result efficiently. Both the construction and operation of these warships are expensive, as reported by The South China Morning Post.

The Supership

In their study, Ma and his coworkers described a novel naval combat system that combines electromagnetic weapons and a potent nuclear-powered electrical system. They claimed that China's so-called supership could perform the duties of nearly an entire carrier fleet.

The vessel is depicted in Ma's newspaper in a computer-generated image carrying numerous aircraft. However, it is not a conventional aircraft carrier.

Despite the fact that many aircraft carriers use nuclear energy, their electrical systems are usually built to run the ship's motor and other essential equipment. Instead of engaging in direct combat, their main duty is to provide air support for naval operations.

Rail guns, coilguns, rocket launchers, laser weapons, and powerful microwaves are just a few of the new electromagnetic weapons the super battleship is equipped with.

Advanced technology on board the ship "cleverly and effectively transforms the energy from the ship's power source into the electromagnetic energy needed to power high-powered weapons," according to the study.

A single battleship might be equipped with the capability to properly repel air assaults, participate in anti-submarine warfare, intercept missiles, and launch pinpoint strikes on both maritime and ashore targets.

A single battleship might be equipped with the capability to properly repel air assaults, participate in anti-submarine warfare, intercept missiles, and launch pinpoint strikes on both maritime and ashore targets.

According to Ma's team, the supership's extensive nuclear-powered electromagnetic system has the ability to transform nuclear energy into useful kinetic energy or electricity that can power high-energy weaponry.

According to the article, the electromagnetic rail guns on board, for example, had a large range and could use guided munitions to strike targets in close proximity at up to seven times the speed of sound.

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What Others Have to Say

The proposal has been met with mixed reactions. Some experts have praised the idea, saying that it could revolutionize naval warfare. Others have expressed concerns about the cost of developing such a ship and the potential for it to be used for offensive purposes.

China's Rivals Worried?

It is unclear whether the Chinese government will approve the construction of the supership. However, the proposal has raised concerns among China's rivals, who are worried about the country's growing military power.

The development of the supership is a sign of China's ambition to become a major naval power. The country has been investing heavily in its navy in recent years, and it is now the second-largest navy in the world.

The supership would be a significant addition to China's navy and would give it the ability to project power further from its shores. This could have implications for the balance of power in the region and could lead to tensions with China's neighbors.

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