Designer Potatoes Boost Consumption of the Vegetable, Study Finds

Researchers of a new study found that having designer potatoes on the menu can boost consumption of the vegetable.

Potatoes are a source of many nutrients for the body. However, they are also fattening and as the world becomes more fitness conscious, their consumption has dramatically declined over the last few years. Therefore, a team of researchers conducted the Texas A&M Potato Breeding and Variety Development Program to grow improved varieties adapted specifically to Texas environmental conditions.

"Potatoes are an important delivery system for nutrients to humans. The average consumption in the U.S. is 113 pounds per year per person. But overall potato consumption in the U.S. has generally declined somewhat," study author Dr. Creighton Miller said in a press statement. "So what we are doing now is developing unique varieties that have a tendency to appeal to the younger set with high income who are willing to try something different. This has contributed to an increase in consumption of these types over the russets, which are still the standard."

The program included 412 entries at the Springlake trials and 927 entries at the Dalhart trials. Additionally, the 2014 seedling selection trials at both Springlake and Dalhart include 115,408 seedlings from 634 families or crosses.

BTX2332-IR was declared the best designer potato this season. It is a traditional russet potato that is red and round and great for baking and Fresh fries.

"We are always interested in new and improved red varieties and russet varieties, but there are some other types that have become more interesting lately," Miller said. "One of the reasons for the popularity of the smaller potato is with both spouses working, the amount of time required to prepare potatoes becomes an issue with some people. With the small potatoes, they can be microwaved very fast and be on the table in a hurry."

Potatoes are a very popular food source. Unfortunately, most people eat potatoes in the form of greasy French fries or potato chips, and even baked potatoes are typically loaded down with fats such as butter, sour cream, melted cheese and bacon bits. Such treatment can make even baked potatoes as potential contributors to a heart attack. But take away the extra fat and deep frying, and a baked potato is an exceptionally healthful low calorie, high fiber food that offers significant protection against cardiovascular disease and cancer, according to an online health report.

It is a very good source of vitamin B6 and a good source of potassium, copper, vitamin C, manganese, phosphorus, niacin, dietary fiber, and pantothenic acid. Potatoes also contain a variety of phytonutrients that have antioxidant activity. Among these important health-promoting compounds are carotenoids, flavonoids, and caffeic acid, as well as unique tuber storage proteins, such as patatin, which exhibit activity against free radicals.