
God Protects Israel From Missile, Says Israeli Commander

Israelis say they felt the presence of God yesterday after a gust of wind caused a missile fired from Gaza to miss them and land in the sea.

"A missile was fired from Gaza," the Iron Dome battery commander in the Israeli army tells WND.com. "Iron Dome precisely calculated [its trajectory]. We know where these missiles are going to land down to a radius of 200 meters. This particular missile was going to hit either the Azrieli Towers, the Kirya (Israel's equivalent of the Pentagon) or [a central Tel Aviv railway station]. Hundreds could have died."

When the commander fired two interceptors based off the Iron Dome's reading, showing a radius of 200 meters of where the missile is going to land, both missed.

"This is very rare. I was in shock," the commander told an Israeli news site in Hebrew.

After both interceptors missed, the commander was preparing for a mass-casualty incident. He recalls seeing the wind on the Iron Dome shortly after. "We were all stunned. I stood up and shouted, 'There is a God!'"

The event was a miracle and the miracle was acknowledged by Hamas members themselves.

Barbara Ordman, who lives in Ma'ale Adumim on the West Bank of Israel, told WND.com, "As one of the terrorists from Gaza was reported to say when asked why they couldn't aim their rockets more effectively: "We do aim them, but their God changes their path in mid-air."

This is not the first time Israel recently witnessed a miracle at war that was accredited to their God's presence.

Givati Brigade commander Col. Ofer Winter claimed that a miracle of God was the force that protected his soldiers when they were fighting in the Gaza Strip last month.

When the soldiers went into the Gaza Strip, a heavy fog immediately came over them, giving the soldiers' time to move towards their objective without their movements being seen.

As Winter explains the event to the Times of Israel he referenced the clouds that were said to have protected the Israelites as they wandered in the desert in the Bible.

Israel, God, War, Gaza, Middle East
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