Yanira Maldonado, Mother of Seven, Held By Mexican Authorities On Drug Smuggling Charges [VIDEO]

An Arizona mother of seven is being held by Mexican authorities following her arrest at a military checkpoint in Sonora, Mexico, for allegedly trying to smuggle 12 pounds of marijuana into the U.S.

Yanira Maldonado has a court hearing on Tuesday that will determine whether she will remain in jail or whether she will be given the chance to reunite with family members.

Gary Maldonado, Yanira's husband, told reporters he believes the whole thing is part of a bribe, with his brother-in-law, Brandon Klippel, supporting the account.

"At first, authorities told Gary Maldonado that marijuana had been found under his seat and arrested him... After [his] father contacted U.S. Consulate in Hermosillo, Mexico, authorities said they were mistaken and released Gary," according to CNN.

Following his release, Yanira was charged, making the accusations even more suspicious.

In an interview with CBS 5 News, Gary said regardless of the outcome of her charges, he would have to pay $5,000 to ensure her freedom; but once he got the funds together, he was told it was too late.

Yanira was moved to another holding facility.

"A passenger by himself or herself would have been unable to carry almost six kilos of marijuana onto a bus without being notice," an anonymous source said to CNN. "She must've been framed."

Arizona Senator Jeff Flake is monitoring the case and is working to get Maldonado home.

"Senator Flake is personally monitoring the situation, and he has had multiple conversations with the deputy Mexican ambassador this weekend," Flakes office said in an official statement.

Watch the emotional account of Maldonado's daughter responding to the charges: