'Winds Of Winter' Release Date: George R.R. Martin Reveals His Favorite Character, Talks About Writing Process For Upcoming Novel

George R.R. Martin has a favorite “Game of Thrones” character just like the rest of us, so fans can stop asking him which one now.

The “A Song of Fire and Ice” saga creator revealed in his latest Live Journal post he loves all his viewpoint characters, but a certain Lannister has his heart.

“Tyrion is my favorite character,” Martin wrote. “Okay? OKAY? Can we PLEASE put that one to rest?? I love all my viewpoint characters, Arya and Sansa and Bran, Jon Snow and Brienne, Arianne and Cersei and Jaime, Theon, even Victarion and the Damphair, ALL of them, but I love Tyrion the bestest. Tyrion son of Tywin, the Imp, second son of Casterly Rock.”

The writer is currently working on his sixth “A Song of Fire and Ice” installment, “Winds of Winter.” He recently spoke to Digital Spy about his writing process, claiming he doesn’t know when he’ll finish the next book.

"I don't know,” Martin said. “I have days where I make lots of progress, I have days where I make next to no progress, I have days where I think I'm going backwards because I don't like what I wrote yesterday. So I've given up making any predictions on that. I'm just writing it and when it's done, it'll be done."

Martin also claimed his writing process has nothing to do with the future of “Game of Thrones” on HBO. The show will continue moving forward, even if it means Martin’s novels will come out after “Game of Thrones” ends. However, Martin’s attention is on his novels at this point.

"I'm not writing a script for season 5, but I'm still a co-executive producer, so I'm still involved on that level," Martin told Digital Spy. "It takes me about three weeks to a month to write a script, and with all the pressure to finish and deliver 'The Winds of Winter,' I decided my time was better spent finishing the book than taking off three weeks to a month to get a script done."

George R. R. Martin, Hbo