The New York Comic Con is this weekend (Oct 9-12) and, of course, there will oodles of cool stuff to see at the Javitz Center throughout the four days the con takes place.

One of the cooler things to see this weekend is the pristine copy of "Action Comics #1" (the first appearance of Superman) which recently sold on eBay for $3.2 million dollars. The book, which originally sold for 10 cents in 1938, was purchased by Stephen Fishler and Vincent Zurzolo, co-owners of, the industry's leading online auction house and Metropolis, the world's largest vintage comic book dealer. Fisher and Zurzolo will be showing the book, by appointment only, on Thursday 10/9 before it is placed into a vault for safe keeping.

The sale surpasses the previous record of nearly $2.2 million, set by ComicConnect in 2011, when it auctioned the $9.0 Action #1 owned by actor Nicholas Cage.

"'Action #1' is the Holy Grail of comic books," said co-owner Stephen Fishler in a press release. "It not only introduced Superman, but pioneered the superhero genre. There would be no Batman, no Spider-Man, no blockbuster movies, without it. Owning one is every collector's dream."

Most original Golden Age comic books (1935-1955) ended up in landfills decades ago. Survivors are rarities. Survivors in great condition are rarer yet. This particular "Action #1" was stored under ideal conditions: in a cedar chest in the hills of West Virginia.

Comic books from that era, and of this caliber, are a true curiosity, so if you are heading out to NYCC this weekend swing by the Comic Connect booth (#2630) to check out a true piece of American history.