PETA President Outlines ‘Unique Will’ – Wants Body Used For Human BBQ And Skin Made Into Leather Purses

Ingrid Newkirk, the president and founder of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, plans to continue her activism for innocent animals in the afterlife. Her updated last will outlines the peculiar requests she wants carried out when she dies.

Newkirk donated her dead body to PETA in her "unique will" published on Oct. 22. She wants her body "used in a manner that draws attention to needless animal suffering and exploitation."

The PETA president outlined 10 requests on how the organization should proceed with her body parts. Here are a few of Newkirk's suggestions:

1. The meat of her body should be used in a "human barbecue" to remind people flesh foods, whether from humans or animals, are not needed.

2. Her skin should be made into "leather products" such as purses to show human and animal skin is not a "fabric." She also wants some of her skin tacked outside the Indian Leather Fair each year.

3. Her feet should be made into umbrella stands like elephants to bring attention to the innocent killing of animals for decoration.

4. One eye may be removed and sent to the Environmental Protection Agency so they know PETA is always watching as the agency poisons and tortures animals "in useless and cruel experiments."

Newkirk conceived her last will after a near-death experience in 2009, according to Newsweek. Her flight from Minnesota to Virginia was pushed way off course, over the ocean, but she eventually made it home safely.

"You get these funny flashbacks of like - 'I shouldn't be here, I should be dead.' And I thought about how lucky I was to continue arguing that people not be cruel to animals," Newkirk told Newsweek. "If your body had pulled through and [you] gave it PETA, they could use bits of your body to continue your activism through death."

The animal rights activist called her mom for her blessing before moving forward. She consulted a pathologist and an attorney to make sure her suggestions didn't break any laws.

"It will be so ridiculously outrageously, stupidly wrong," she says. "I wish that was the reaction people had when they see other parts of animals being made into something as frivolous as this."

PETA, Will