Mars: Is That a Sphinx On The Red Planet? (SEE IT)

A video posted on YouTube shows what looks like the Sphinx in Egypt... only on Mars!

The structure has straight lines that do not occur in natural erosion, according to Examiner. Could this be the handiwork of an ancient civilization or is this just like looking at the clouds and thinking something has a similar shape?

The original photo was taken by NASA's Mars Curiosity rover and a video on YouTube posted by Paranormal Crucible enhance the photos for contrast and coloring.

A conclusion could be drawn that this structure is the work of alien life forms before the planet became uninhabitable. (There are some who think the Sphinx in Egypt was a gift from E.T.'s). Were ancient Egyptians long-term visitors from Earth's closest planetary neighbor?

Mars, Egypt, Aliens, Paranormal, Sasquatch, Bigfoot, UFO