Sam Raimi succeeded in bringing Spider-Man to the big screen, but by the third movie, things had gone a bit off the rails. The director of the "Spider-Man" trilogy can admit that now.

"I messed up plenty with the third 'Spider-Man,' so people hated me for years - they still hate me for it... It's a movie that just didn't work very well," Raimi told Chris Hardwicke on the Nerdist Podcast.

The first two films received positive reviews for Raimi and his leading man, Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker a.k.a. Spider-Man. The influx of multiple villains including Venom, Sandman and Green Goblin in the third installment plagued the entire movie.

"[Topping the previous two films] went into thinking of a lot of people that worked on 'Spider-Man 3,' and it was not good for us," the director said.

The Spider-Man franchise has struggled to recover since Raimi's last turn behind the camera. Sony Pictures handed over the reigns to Marc Webb for "The Amazing Spider-Man" and its sequel, starring Andrew Garfield as the web-slinging superhero. The latest movie also ran into the problem of too many villains with little explanation for their beef against Spider-Man.

Sony has several films in the works based on the Marvel Comics series including a "Sinister Six" movie, a solo film for Venom" and introducing a female Spidey.

The chances of another "Amazing Spider-Man" remain undetermined. Marvel Studios has expressed interest in bringing the character back under their control and having him star alongside Captain America and Iron Man in the upcoming movie "Captain America: Civil War." Leaked Sony emails showed discussions had taken place between Marvel and Sony about the possibility, but nothing was finalized.