KISS Takes on a Japanese Girl Group and It's Awesome (WATCH IT)

You can say whatever you like about the storied rock band KISS--that their musical skills have never been that great and/or that they are sellouts, willing to do anything for a buck or two-- but you can never say that they aren't willing to step out of their comfort zone a bit to try something new.

Case in point: they have a new collaboration out with Japanese girl group Momorio Clover Z. Yes, you read that right. No, it is not a joke.

The song, titled "YUMENO UKIYONI SAITEMINA/MOMOIRO CLOVER Z vs. KISS," was written by Paul Stanley and Greg Collins with lyrics by Yuho Iwasato. According to a piece at, the single will be out in two editions, one for each group, on January 28 and will be included in the album "Best of KISS 40."

Just who the heck are Momorio Clover Z? Well, I'm glad you asked. Momorio Clover Z are a five girl, Japanese idol/pop group. The name is commonly abbreviated as "Momoclo." The group is well known in their native land for incorporating elements of ballet, gymnastics and action films into their performances.

See? And here you were thinking this was weird. KISS are one of the most theatrical rock bands of all time. How could they not work with a crazy, Japanese girl group?

Check out the anime inspired video below to make up your own mind:

Kiss, Japan, Gene Simmons, Music, Anime