DUI Checkpoint Video Goes Viral in YouTube; Incident Was Planned

In an incident in Murfreesboro, a video that was said to be connected with the Libertarian Party that also involved a Deputy County Sheriff A.J. Ross went viral in YouTube with over 1.5 million views since its posting two day ago.

Axl David, the communications director for the Libertarian Party of Tennessee spoke about the world wide response they received out of the video.

The video showed a verbal confrontation between 21-year-old Chris Kalbaugh, who is currently in his junior year at the Middle Tennessee State University, and Deputy County Sheriff A.J. Ross, during a checkpoint for a DUI last Thursday night.

The 21-year-old student will not face any charges from the DUI checkpoint, and incident was planned all along, as reported in the Gannett website.

The communications director said that Kalbaugh called him Thursday to explain his plan to “exercise his rights” during the checkpoint, and to capture it on video. David then gave him permission to go ahead.

During the checkpoint, Ross told Kalbaugh to roll down his window farther, and the student refused, claiming that the window was open just “fine.” When the student insisted on challenging the deputy’s demands on grounds of constitutional rights, he was then asked to pull over and step out of the car.

Kalbaugh made sure that he didn’t break any laws and that he was still respectful while exercising his constitutional rights. He also claimed that the officer would not allow him to leave, but also didn’t make it clear if he were to be detained. He also complained about several scratches on his car made by the K-9 unit.

The video was posted the following day at the libertarianrepublic.com, and immediately topped on Reddit.

Public Information Officer Lisa Marchesoni from the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office released a statement that they were still reviewing the video and are investigating on the matter to find out whether there were indeed violations on procedure.

David also mentioned that the student was upset about the incident and was clearly shaken.

Watch the six-minute video here.