Marvel Studios and Sony practically broke the Internet when it was announced that the two had reached an agreement to slingshot Spider-Man via web into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Since then, we learned that Spider-Man will make his first appearance sometime after "Avengers: Age of Ultron" before returning to Sony for a new standalone film.

Speculation about who will play the new Spider-Man, how he'll fit into the MCU and a slew of other questions has been rampant. One aspect that his not been discussed in length as of yet is who will direct the next series of Spider-Man films. To start the discussion, here are three somewhat out-of-the-box suggestions to helm the next set of installments.

David Leitch & Chad Stahelski

I know what you're thinking: Who? But bear with me. This duo has been involved in some capacity or another in some of the biggest films of the last 15 years. Their resume includes different credits on "300", "The Bourne" series, "The Matrix" trilogy and even (wait for it)..."Spider-Man 2."

"They may not be the immediate names that come to fans' minds, but stuntmen-turned-directors David Leitch & Chad Stahelski's debut film John Wick is slowly and surely carving out a cult-hit reputation for itself," Kofi Outlaw of wrote. "The movie brought back Matrix star Keanu Reeves for a dark and violent Noir action flick - one that many said felt like a comic book brought to life onscreen in wonderfully proper balance."

No, the duo doesn't have the same experience as seasoned Marvel directors such as Joss Whedon and Jon Favreau. But they could inject some much needed life into this breathless franchise.

Doug Liman

Liman was the first director to tackle Jason Bourne and he did it in splendid fashion. Bourne gave movie-goers an updated and Americanized James Bond to root for. Most recently, Liman put out the criminally underrated "Edge of Tomorrow." Although the film disappointed at the domestic box office, it contained the exciting action and laugh-inducing humor that has become synonymous with the wise-cracking Peter Parker.

"...maybe Liman deserves a project that will make his name a household one," Outlaw wrote. "Marvel has been smart about taking solid talent and giving them that next-level opportunity (see: James Gunn and The Russo Brothers in 2014), and Liman is the epitome of solid talent poised for a bigger breakout."

Liman is chock full of wry humor. That style has been severely lacking in the most recent attempts at bringing the Web Head to the silver screen. He could be a welcomed change of pace.

Gareth Evans

Sony went the true-blue blockbuster route with their first iteration of Spider-Man in the Toby Maguire/Sam Raimi trilogy. Then, they opted for a new-age hipster Spider-Man with Andrew Garfield/Marc Webb. Next, why not shoot for a breathtakingly action packed Spider-Man?

Evans is best known for directing "The Raid" series. Those two films contained some of the best action and fight sequences of the last decade. Would Sony be interested in taking the franchise in that direction?

"...the director behind The Raid series scored a big milestone win for action flicks...If we want a more practical, stunt-based Spider-Man film with innovative sequences and battles, then Evans (and his Indonesian martial arts stunt team) may be primed and ready to deliver that experience."

Evans may not be a likely candidate, but he is a worthy one. He would bring a sense of physicality to the Spider-Man franchise that has not been present.

Agree with the list? Absolutely hate it? Want someone else to direct the new Spidey flick? Let us know in the comments section below!