'Survivor' Finale: Winner and Next Season's Cast Revealed

The 30th season of "Survivor" has come to an end, and the final contestant standing was crowned the winner.

It turns out that the original contestants, and host Jeff Probst, made accurate predictions because Mike Holloway, who was a member of the blue collar tribe, walked away with the million dollar check!

The 38-year-old played the game, and he played it well. He came out on top by dominating all three challenges, E! News Reported.

Early on in the show, he took the lead, which earned him some time with his mom. She was even able to help him in a maze challenge, which was a huge advantage. Each of the contestants were blindfolded during the course of the maze, but Holloway's mother, Debra, was not.

The three finalists came down to Mike, Carolyn and Will, which may have come as a bit of a shock to host Jeff Probst, who didn't think Will had a chance to win the game.

Once Holloway was crowned the winner, "Survivor" was already on to its plans for the next season.

More than 10 million Americans voted to select which 10 men and which 10 women will be returning to the game, PEOPLE reported.

These twenty contestants are getting a second chance to be the sole survivor. The contestants are headed to Cambodia later this week to be castaways and to start filming.

A full list of the returning contestants can be found here.

Survivor, Season finale, Winner