REPORT: 'FIFA 16' Won't Be Available For Wii U, 3DS or PS Vita

Last week, the FIFA got into a big scandal after the United States accused the soccer organization of corruption. Now it looks like some fans of FIFA will not get the chance to play the latest entry in the series.

"With regards to FIFA 16 there isn't a [Playstation] Vita or 3DS version," an Electronics Arts representative told Pocket Gamer. The representative wasn't willing to say how this decision would affect the mobile port of the game. "We don't have any further detail on the mobile version."

On top of this change, Polygon discovered that EA would not release the Wii U port of "FIFA 16."

This will be the first time that a FIFA game didn't receive a Nintendo port since 2000.

While the decision to not release PS Vita or 3DS games is saddening for gaming, the Wii U decision isn't surprising, as EA hasn't developed a Wii U version of the game in a while, according to Attack of the Fanboy.

This announcement comes less than a week after FIFA announced that the new game will be the first entry in the series to offer players access to FIFA's women teams.

"FIFA 16" will be released for the Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC on Sept. 22.

Fifa, Soccer, Gaming, Nintendo, Wii U, 3DS, Nintendo 3DS