Twitter announced Thursday that is removing the 140-character limit for its Direct Messages. Beginning July, users no longer need to worry about shortening their messages or sending incomplete messages if they exceed the limit.

"We've done a lot to improve Direct Messages over the past year and have much more exciting work on the horizon. One change coming in July that we want to make you aware of now (and first!) is the removal of the 140-character limit in Direct Messages," said Sachin Agarwal, Twitter's product manager for Direct Messages, in a blog post.

The social networking site is so eager to overhaul Direct Messages because of feedback from users that said setting a limit for them does not make much sense.

Some companies need it for customer service, and having a limit makes the interaction longer than usual. Having no limit is expected to benefit these companies as they can now respond to their customers with full details in a single message, according to the Verge.

Twitter clarified though that the overhaul is just for Direct Messages—tweets will continue to have a 140-character limit.

"You may be wondering what this means for the public side of Twitter. Nothing! Tweets will continue to be the 140 characters they are today," wrote Agarwal.