While in the NBA Gilbert Arenas was known for doing crazy stuff. After he left the NBA he is back in the news, once again, doing crazy stuff: this time over destroying his own cars over a lost Netflix password!

Gilbert Arenas is no stranger to the news, one of his most notable events was when he claimed that "someone" killed his sharks (!?) by throwing pennies in their tank. Then there was the time he allegedly left Laura Govan (his partner and co-parent) and their children in Great Falls "with no money to purchase food or Christmas gifts," five years ago.

Now he has apparently posted a year-old video that shows him destroying his own cars with a cinder block, as part of a spat with Govan. He initially posted the video on his Instagram account to preempt TMZ from posting the video itself but they simply posted Arenas' Instagram'd account instead.

Arenas explained the logic behind this destructive act in a long and somewhat profane caption. He stated that Govan had broken 34 windows in his home and decided to break his own stuff before she gets a chance to. Furthermore, he stated that both cars he was destroying belonged to him.

Watch the destruction:

He went on to explain that it wasn't the 34 windows that he was mad about, but rather what was thrown out of one of them: a computer that had his Netflix password saved on the HD. This left him in a situation without Netflix, a situation where most people would also destroy their cars.

Arenas wrote: "U take a person #Netflix away, nothing else matters, #TMZ here's my comment: I LIKE NETFLIX."

What can we learn from all this? Remember your Netflix account password or cars will be broken.