A fire has resulted in the deaths of at least 16 elderly residents of the Hermoso Atardecer (Beautiful Sunset) retirement home located outside the northern border city of Mexicali.

Five other residents were reported in serious condition and were sent to a hospital in nearby Mexicali, located across the border from Calexico, Calif, according to the Associated Press.

Twelve fire extinguishers and eight smoke detectors were found at the facility, AP reported. Mayor Jaime Diaz Ochoa said that the cause of the fire is still being investigated.

Most of the residents were over 75-years-old, according to Diaz Ochoa. The 23 residents were taken to a temporary city shelter and would be referred to a city elderly care center that is run by the nonprofit Cultural Society for the Promotion of Social Welfare. One of the group's functions is "giving humanitarian assistance to low-income elderly people in need, including food, shelter, clothing and medical care."

"What has happened is a tragedy that will surely hurt the beautiful work that they do, and that's a shame," Susana Marisol Tapia, a former volunteer at the home wrote in an email, AP reported.

She also said that the administrators "do a great job, with a lot of dedication and sacrifice."