Judge Megan Shanahan set a $1 million bond for former University of Cincinnati Police Officer Ray Tensing, 25, who shot Samuel DuBose, 43, dead during a traffic stop July 19. DuBose, who was unarmed at the time of his death, allegedly took too long to produce his driver's license, prompting Tensing to kill him, reported USA Today.

Upon placing the high bond on Tensing, the courtroom briefly broke out into a chant of "no justice, no peace," in support of Shanahan's decision, although she immediately put an end to the spectator approval.

"This is a courtroom," she said.

One of the strongest pieces of evidence against Tensing is the body camera video that shows him asking Dubose to step out of the vehicle after failing to provide a driver's license, reported Sky News.

Tensing showed little emotion during the hearing and, during the arraignment, bowed his head and avoided eye contact with those around him.

During his charging Wednesday in Hamilton County, Prosecutor Joe Deters expressed his belief that Tensing's shooting of DuBose was carried out intentionally.

"This is the most asinine act I've ever seen a police officer make," said Deters. "When you see this, you will not believe how quickly he pulls his gun and shoots him. It's so senseless."

The incident is the latest in a string of fatal police interactions with minorities that have taken place across the United States, prompting many to question their use of force.

A rally held on Wednesday called for other officers that backed Tensing's version of the story to be punished, reported Reuters.