Daredevil Nik Wallenda completed his longest tightrope walk Tuesday at the Wisconsin State Fair — it took him 33 minutes to walk across a 1,560-foot wire that was 10 stories above the Milwaukee Mile racetrack. An official said that when he finished, he gave the crowd a thumbs up and they responded with wild cheers, according to the International Business Times.

While crossing the tightrope, Wallenda carried a 45-pound bar to maintain his stability.

"Your arms start to fatigue. You get tired. You get thirsty. There's a lot of things that happened, and I just need to focus on what I'm doing to make it to the other side," he said on WISN, reported the New York Daily News. One hundred thirty people helped organize his latest deadly stunt.

Thirty-six-year-old Wallenda calls himself the King of the High Wire, which is fitting since he holds a number of records registered with the Guinness World Records organization, reported CBS. He has walked across the Grand Canyon, between two buildings in Chicago while blindfolded and across a 1,800-foot high wire above Niagara Falls.

He is a seventh generation descendant from a well-known family of acrobats, the Flying Wallendas. Karl Wallenda, his grandfather, failed to cross a high wire safely in Puerto Rico, which led to his death in 1978.