A Picasso painting stolen from a Paris museum 14 years ago has been returned, according to the BBC.

Entitled "La Coiffeuse," which means The Hairdresser in French, the 1911 painting is valued at $15 million. It was found in December of 2014 in a shipment from Belgium to New Jersey, according to the BBC.

The painting was being stored at the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris before it was stolen between 1998 and 2001. When it was found, it was being disguised as a Christmas present, according to USA Today.

Two experts at a Paris museum authenticated the oil painting on Jan. 30, confirming its legitimacy, according to USA Today.

"We're so glad that it's going to be shown to the world again," Sarah Saldana, U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement Director, told reporters, according to Reuters.

The stolen oil painting was returned to French officials at a ceremony at the French Embassy in Washington, D.C. on Thursday, according to Reuters.

The last time this painting was open to the public was in 1988 in Munich, Germany, according to the BBC.

Officials can't comment any further, as the investigation into the heist still ongoing. No arrests have been made yet, according to the BBC.