Investigators are still searching for any clue that could lead them to finding the missing body of a woman that is possibly stolen from as funeral home last week in Texas.

Sgt. Javier Salazar, a spokesman for the San Antonio Police Department, said that they deployed officers to the Mission Park Funeral Chapel on Aug. 16 when the employees of the funeral home found an empty casket that was supposed to hold the remains of 25-year-old Julie Mott, Fox News reported.

"I have never in 22 years in law enforcement ever heard of anything like this," the spokesman noted.

"There wasn't any forced entry to the facility," according to Salazar. "So what it's believed is between the hours of 1:30 p.m., when the service ended, to about 4:30 p.m., when they locked up for the evening, someone came in and stole Ms. Mott's remains. That person remains at large," he added, according to CNN.

Dick Tips, the owner of the funeral home where the body was stolen, believes that incident may have been done by somebody who disagrees with the supposed cremation of the woman on Aug. 17. He is offering a $20,000 reward for any information that may lead to the location of Mott's body, Metro reported.

The father of the woman sought the community for assistance regarding the matter. "We just want our daughter's remains returned so we can have some closure to our grief," Tim Mott said, according to CNN.

The investigators of the case encourage people who have information to contact the San Antonio Police at 210-225-TIPS (8477).

Mott passed away after a long battle with cystic fibrosis, a disease that has detrimental effects on one's lungs and digestive system.