Although Andrew Luck was selected first overall in the 2012 NFL draft, you could make the argument that No. 2 overall pick Robert Griffin III actually enjoyed a better rookie season. Yes, RGIII's career has since fallen apart, but no can deny that his rookie year was magical. Luck immediately impressed and justified all of the hype, but Griffin was a revelation.

Could a similar situation play out this year?

Jameis Winston was selected first overall by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers with Marcus Mariota quickly following at No. 2 to the Tennessee Titans. Winston has more help on offense with Vincent Jackson and Mike Evans to throw to. But could Mariota still produce a better rookie season? ESPN NFL Insider Mel Kiper Jr. believes so as he listed Mariota on his all-rookie projection team at quarterback.

"I'm giving Mariota a slight edge over Jameis Winston because while I don't think the stats will be too dissimilar, I think the Titans have a chance to take a big step forward overall, with major improvement on the defensive side of the ball in particular," Kiper wrote. "I also think they'll do a better job of blocking up front, allowing Mariota both time to throw and the opportunity to scamper for extra yards, not just while he's being chased, but because he's got space and can take yards while protecting himself."

Throughout the preseason, both rookie QBs have had their ups-and-downs. Winston has shown an ability to throw into tight windows with a quick release and a strong arm. However, his footwork is still inconsistent and he has a tendency to force the ball when pressured.

Mariota has been accurate while making quick decisions with the football. He's shown surprisingly good vision and a willingness to go through his progressions while also making plays with his legs. But he's also struggled to keep his eyes downfield when the rush starts coming and hasn't shown a lot of variety on his pass selection.

Still, it's incredibly early in both of these players' careers and we won't know who has the upper hand for months.