The latest two phone launches by Apple have excited aficionados no end and the company itself is doing its best o keep the hype going.

Apple's CEO, Tim Cook, who likes to keep himself away from the media glare, created an account on Twitter recently after the two iPhones( 5S and 5C) released in the market.

This is the first official Twitter account of the Apple CEO, reports ABC news. The Apple CEO expressed his delight at the record breaking sales of the iPhones on the release date itself. "Visited Retail Stores in Palo Alto today. Seeing so many happy customers reminds us of why we do what we do," tweeted Cook on Friday afternoon after he made a visit to an Apple store in the Stanford Shopping Mall.

Visited Retail Stores in Palo Alto today. Seeing so many happy customers reminds us of why we do what we do.

- Tim Cook (@tim_cook) September 20, 2013

Within a couple of hours it was re-tweeted nearly 4000 times and at present there are more than 142, 857 followers of the account. Cook's signing on to Twitter is a smart marketing move. Cook himself chose 11 people to follow on his Twitter account, which includes high profile personalities like human rights activist Kerry Kennedy, comedian Jimmy Fallon and a few other media socialites.

On the other hand, with the glut in orders for the iPhone 5S, Apple is reportedly running out of stock especially for the iPhone 5S (gold). The Cupertino-based tech giant made a statement Friday evening, "Demand for the new iPhones has been incredible and we are currently sold out or have limited supply of certain iPhone 5s models in some stores," reports The Verge.

The latest iPhones made their debut in 11 countries across the world on Friday namely Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Puerto Rico, Singapore, the UK, and US.