Chelsea Houska's daughter Aubree makes a heartbreaking confession in a sneak peek for the upcoming episode of MTV's "Teen Mom 2." After returning from a weekend with her grandparents, Aubree reveals that she didn't get to see her dad (Houska's ex-boyfriend Adam Lind) on Father's Day and said she wishes Lind was more like Houska's new boyfriend Cole DeBoer.

In the clip, Houska returns from a weekend trip to her family's cabin with her new beau DeBoer while Aubree spent time with Lind's parents. Lind's mother drops Aubree off at Houska's, and Houska gives her daughter a green ice pop to eat while she puts away the dishes. She asks Aubree about her weekend, which fell on Father's Day.

"Did you talk to your dad on the phone or anything?" Houska asks as she unloads the dishwasher.

"We called him, didn't answer," little Aubree says as she eats her ice pop. "Called him, he didn't answer."

Houska and Lind have been involved in a custody battle all season, and Lind alleged that Houska keeps him from seeing his daughter and fought for 50/50 custody in a previous episode. A judge ruled in Houska's favor and kept their old visitation plan, and Houska is upset that Lind still doesn't spend his weekends Aubree.

To change the subject, Houska asks Aubree if she's excited for DeBoer to move in with them soon. DeBoer and Houska's relationship has steadily progressed during the season, and they're taking their relationship to the next step by living together. But little Aubree makes a heartbreaking confession and says she wishes her dad was more like DeBoer.

"I wish my dad was gonna act like him," she says.

Watch the clip below and be sure to catch the new episode of MTV's "Teen Mom 2," airing Thursdays at 10 p.m. EDT on MTV.