The Washington Redskins scored something of an upset victory over the St. Louis Rams on Sunday, marking the second-straight week that Jay Gruden's charges played tough, sound, fundamental football, providing, if maybe not hope for a playoff berth, at least a glimpse of what the franchise will hopefully look like under Gruden and new GM Scot McCloughan. While quarterback Kirk Cousins hasn't been great by any means, he's played fairly well and did enough to help the Skins head home from St. Louis at 1-1. Still, while Cousins has taken the helm of the offense and has the team trending up and Robert Griffin III, the Redskins one-time starter and former first-round pick, has faded to the background, it seems things are not exactly hunky dory within the Washington locker room. Jason Cole of Bleacher Report reported Monday that Cousins and RGIII remain at odds and, ridiculously, not on speaking terms.

Citing "multiple sources" within the Redskins organization, Cole reports that there is a "problem" which exists between RGIII and Cousins. Per Cole, RGIII and Cousins "don't talk, they don't speak to each other, they don't communicate, they can't even be in the same room together," due to "tension."

As Cole notes, the most problematic issue here would seem to be RGIII's continued pattern of shabby and self-important behavior when it comes to teammates and coaches. It was reported earlier this offseason that Griffin had alienated many of the Washington offensive lineman and it's also been reported in the past that players have or had issues with RGIII's approach and his view of himself in comparison to the rest of the team.

Unsurprisingly, Cole reports that the team views RGIII's penchant for pettiness as a clear indication of his lack of leadership skills, likely increasing the chance that he will never deliver on the promise of being the second-overall pick and becoming a true franchise signal-caller.