GOP House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy declared on Monday that he wants to take the position as Speaker of the House after John Boehner retires.

"We have made real progress towards shrinking an overgrown federal government and reforming our broken entitlement system," McCarthy said in an email to co-workers, according to CNN. "But our work is far from done. We can't ignore the differences that exist, but we can and must heal the divisions in our conference with work, time, and trust. That is why I have decided to run for Speaker of the House and graciously ask for your support."

"I am also sensitive to what is happening outside of the Beltway. I want us to be much closer to the people we represent, and I want them to once again feel like this is their government, they are in charge, and we are here to serve them," he added about the favorable attitude towards outsiders of the GOP in the 2016 presidential race.

McCarthy is not in favor with President Barack Obama's foreign policy and demands a strong-willed response towards the conflict in Ukraine. "The absence of leadership over the past six years has had horrific consequences all across the globe, and it is getting worse day by day," McCarthy said during the John Hay Initiative meeting, according to Reuters.

"Kevin would make an excellent Speaker," Boehner said, according to Time. His resignation will take effect on October 30, then McCarthy will have the chance to take the House Speaker spot.