LG Chem, the leading battery producer for LG products, unveiled a next generation flexible battery line up, Wednesday. The new line up comprises of three variants- the curved, stepped and cable batteries.

The new batteries will also be used for the flexible display LG products. LG Chem has used its patented 'stack and folding' technology for designing these batteries.

"Through the exclusiveness of our unique technology, LG Chem has succeeded in launching future batteries that have not existed before. This shall be the fundamental grounds for LG Chem to become a pioneer in the market," said YS Kwon, the President of LG Chem, in a press release. "As a leader in battery manufacturing, we will continue to strive for Global No. 1 by developing more of optimized, safe and long-lasting batteries to make it the business of future generation."

Curved battery: Curved battery is the one primarily designed to be used for powering up the next generation devices. Owing to its stack and folding technology the battery is a perfect match to the curved display devices like smartwatches and smartphones. The battery is expected to be featured in the upcoming curved display phone by LG, Flex.

Stepped Battery: The stepped battery as the name suggests comprises of two separate batteries, compiled together in a step like design. The battery doesn't come in regular rectangular shape and is specially meant to fill up any dead space on the smartphones. The battery is expected to boost up the battery longevity for the device up to 16 percent. LG is also reportedly working on the three and four stepped batteries, to be launched soon. The battery with its integrated stepped technology is easier to produce and cost effective too as the Korean Chemical manufacturer said in a statement.

Cable battery: Cable battery is the one LG is still working on. Owing to its sleekt design the battery is said to consume the least energy and requires minimal heating. The battery can be twisted, bent or shaped up accordingly to the device. However, unlike the other two batteries, the Cable battery is specially designed for the wearable gadgets. The cable battery will get into production latest by this month, claims the Seoul based company.

Samsung has already made its curved display device official and is LG still struggling to pace up against the Galaxy device producer. The flexible batteries may act as an added incentive to the upcoming curved display smartphone by LG.