A bizarre sex scandal has begun to unfold at the University of Notre Dame, resulting in the termination of a university academic coach. The New York Daily News published a report on Sunday stating that a lawsuit, which The News obtained, indicates a student at the university had accused a female academic coach of "coercing young football and basketball players into having sex with her daughter."

Per the lawsuit, the student came forward on Friday and accused the faculty member of instigating and overseeing a "sexually and racially motivated" rendezvous with her daughter. These rendezvous allegedly included "condoms, transportation and hotel rooms for academic favors."

On Monday, the unidentified university employee was fired, according to an "internal school report" obtained by The News.

The six-page report suggests that the academic coach violated Notre Dame's "values" and its "discrimination harassment policy." In the report, at least one football player who worked with the academic coach is said to have dated her daughter. Another student, who is African-American, said they were "pressed into having sex with the coach's daughter." The girl in question is white.

The student - seemingly the same student who filed the lawsuit - started at Notre Dame on an academic scholarship in the fall of 2014, per The News' original report. When he sought tutoring lessons in the 2015 spring semester, they soon escalated to "out-of-state sexual rendezvous" between him and the coach's daughter.

The coach would then interrogate him on the "nature, frequency, and quality" of the sexual activities he engaged in with her daughter. She would also reportedly sling "racially-charged comments about his sexual prowess and genitalia."

When the student attempted to break off the relationship, the daughter pressured him to convert to Catholicism and recommended he seek mental health counseling. While there, the coach's colleague in the university's health support system allegedly worked in conjunction with the coach and her daughter to "medicate Plaintiff John Doe to keep him passive, cooperative, and under control," according to the documents obtained by The News.

Notre Dame has maintained that the allegations are false.

"The allegations against the University of Notre Dame in the complaint are unfounded," university spokesman Paul Browne said in a statement to the South Bend Tribune. "As are gratuitous and unfounded references to 'student athletes' - an allegation that is nothing more than a cynical attempt to attract publicity."

The student is now demanding a jury trial and an independent investigation by the school into his allegations.